one of my jobs and what I do...

Friday, 29 October 2010

did you read this!

LEIGHROY IS AVAILABLE TO DO  STORYTIMES at Schools and Librarys                      

contact details   :

Golden Arm is the most entertaining poem written for children......ever, at least 3500 children agree with me

Another spectacular week in the world of the Hairy Plug Monster and Friends, kicked off with my invitation to St Joseph and St Bede's Primary School in Bury on Monday usual I got lost on the way and arrived with just minutes to spare.

With the aid of a cup of tea, I managed to regain my composure and set about preparing for the first reading to a combined Y1 group.  I used to get nervous when I performed in front of classes but over the last year I have managed to integrate lots of little bits into my "act", encouraging audience participation and building up the atmosphere using "Golden Arm" as a finale - which again didn't fail to scare the socks off them.  I was allocated a room for the day and with each year group, I included the other stories such as "Miss Carr's Pies" and "Commander-in-Chief of the World".  As the final Y6 group came in I cast my inhibitions and read the two Zombie specials, " There's Something Wrong with Grandad" and for the very first time "Zombelina".  Again it seems I misjudged children's appetite for more gruesome stories, as they loved it.  Even the teachers enjoyed the sad sorry tale of the Toymaster and his daughter.  It does help though when you have "Golden Arm" to finish on, and seeing as no one else wants to blow my trumpet, I may as well do it myself...

Golden Arm IS the most entertaining poem written for children ....ever.
It was a fantastic day, with a lot of books being sold and a very appreciative school making me feel very much at home.

I had an email from the Windows Project, who requested that I pay them a visit in Liverpool sometime soon and also if I could include them in my next school visit for "assessment".

The rest of the week was spent finalising the first of three pieces of music for the film - Rough and Ready, and again I didn't fail to deliver the goods.  The only thing that's missing at the moment is a steady flow of income, to pay for all this.....but I keep telling myself that it ISonly a matter of time.

Thankfully everybody else seems to agree with me...

Find out for yourself by visiting and purchasing your very own signed copy of The Hairy Plug Monster.
Posted by Kul Cuthbert

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


We have a website 
for more information, news and updates - follow our journey….

another site you may like to visit :

leave Leighroy a comment - he would love to hear  from you…

my idea  for  HPM Media Ltd  LOGO -
I love it what  DO  you think!

send a message let me know what you think…
and heres the link…


LEIGHROY  -  author of the Hairy Plug Monster and a few other stories…. 

Passed on his cheeky recipe for Himalayan Balsam Biscuits to those nice River Cottage people and got a positive reply, FANCY THAT!!!!   you never know they might just use his recipe…  which I've posted again below 
also if you go to any woodland park  you may just be lucky as they are still around 

Himalayan Balsam and Mixed Seed Cookies.......

Himalayan Balsam
The Hairy Plug Monster's  Himalayan Balsam and Mixed Seed Cookie

It's that time of year again when those delightful Himalayan Balsam plants adorn the pathways, and waterways of the English countryside and envelop everything in their way - and with each year their numbers increase until eventually there will be nothing left but "Balsam". 

Naturally this has caused alarm throughout DEFRA and beyond, and each year well meaning folk head out into the woodlands and parks with the sole aim of "Bashing the Balsam" - Unfortunately, their efforts are not having very much effect and serve only as a slight inconvenience to the Himalayan Balsam. 

However, as more and more people are daring to venture out at this time of year, intent on capitalising on the bountiful harvest of fruit and berries that are just coming into season, it seems only fair to let them know that an even greater harvest can be had from the public enemy of plants.

I did try spreading the word last year but without the aid of images, my message fell on deaf ears - this year however I am proud to bring you:

The Hairy Plug Monster's Himalayan Balsam and Mixed Seed Cookies  

First put your coat on and head off out to track down some Balsam, I have included an image to aid identification, but to further assist you, look for the tall plant with white or pink delicate flowers. At this time of year they should be on the wane and be replaced with seed pods which are shaped like tiny okra.  The Himalayan Balsam is easily identifiable, because when you touch a ripe seed pod it explodes "Alien style" and throws out the seeds in every direction.  ( this is one of the main reasons that "Balsam Bashing doesn't work").  The stem of the plant is a hollow and translucent and a quick inspection of the roots should show about twenty reddish roots just above ground that anchor the beast in place.

So when you are satisfied that you have the Himalayan Balsam in your sights, it is now time to harvest the seeds. 

1.  Very carefully tilt the flower head towards you and without touching the pods place a large plastic bag over the top of the plant.  Once you are confident that the seed heads are inside the bag, tickle the pods and let them explode, ( be on the lookout for bees collecting the last bits of pollen).  The seeds will collect in the bag and each plant should give your about 100 seeds. 

2.  Carry this action on until you think you have enough much is enough seeds?...erm  well I      don't know, but bear in mind that the pod husks are also collected and will need to be removed at a later stage so.... the more you collect the more you have to sort out later.....simples.

Himalayan Balsam seeds and the green pod huskYour harvest should look similar to the image above with the seeds ranging from white to brown to black, being mixed together with the curled up green pod husks and occasional flowers.

Now comes the boring bit...the seeds need to be separated, and up to now the only way I have found to do this is to spread them out on a tray and pick out the pods, flowers and anything else that may have found its way into the bag.  I wont kid you....this will take a bit of time, but eventually you should be left with a tray full of seeds.

Himalayan Balsam Seeds

Place the seeds in a bowl of fresh water for twenty minutes to wash off any dust and creepy crawlies that still may be hiding amongst them and drain the water away through a sieve. 

Dry Roasted Himalayan Balsam Seeds
Empty the seeds into a dry frying pan and on a low heat slowly cook them until the seeds turn a similar shade of grey. 

Et voila your Himalayan Balsam Seeds are now ready for eating..... or.  you could do what I did and add them to a cookie mix

Gather the mixture together with your hand and shape the dough into a ball.  Wrap in clingfilm and leave to settle in the fridge for half an hour.

When the dough has chilled, remove from the fridge and dive into 26 pieces, rolling each one into a small ball and placing on a greased baking tray.

Lightly flatten each cookie before baking at 180C (160C fan oven) Gas Mark 4 for 10-12 minutes until golden but still fairly soft.  Leave on the baking tray for 5 minutes before transfering onto a wire rack to cool.

 And put the kettle on.

Congratulations, you have probably taken the best step to keep the spread of Himalayan Balsam in check and at the same time made yourself and the kids a damn fine cookie.  Now with a plate full of cookies and a glass of milk sit down in your favourite chair, open The Hairy Plug Monster and start reading.....if you haven't got a copy please visit
send Leighroy a comment

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Leighroy has another tale to tell!

The Pot Bellied Cook and the Three Legged Dog

about this Author |  Leighroy Marsh writing this tale in 10 mins!
OMG….   WHAT a genius

In an old wooden tavern, quite close to a bog
Lives  a pot bellied cook and a three legged dog
He spends all his days making green smelly cheese
While the three legged dog sits and scratches his fleas

High up in a tower,  lives the Old Purple Bint
Who drinks nothing but smoothies of onion and mint
She grows all her food in a pair of old boots
And makes soap from the juice of the dandelion root

But  cook wasn’t happy to live all alone
He wanted to share the green cheese in his home
So he closed up the tavern and set foot outside
With his three legged dog he looked for a bride

To the Old Purple Bint in the tower  he strolled
With some cheese in a sock, feeling ever so bold
He called from the ground to the window above
And proclaimed from his knees his intentions of love.

“My darling, my sugar, my sweetheart, my dear
I have lived all alone for so many a year
I have come to ask you, would you marry me please
And stand by my side with my dog and his fleas”

The Bint just stood silent, as stiff as a rock
Then she gazed at the cook and his green smelly sock
“I will be your wife” , was her short sharp reply
“If you bring me the shoes  from the snufflebug fly”


arrr well what happens next - you'll have to wait and see!!!!

why not send Leighroy a comment    at

better still,  Leighroy will sign your very own copy of 
The Hairy Plug Monster! and you know what,  you can buy on line through our website...

Monday, 25 October 2010


update blog from Leighroy Marsh

Golden Arm is the most entertaining poem written for children......ever, at least 3500 children agree with me

Another spectacular week in the world of the Hairy Plug Monster and Friends, kicked off with my invitation to St Joseph and St Bede's Primary School in Bury on Monday usual I got lost on the way and arrived with just minutes to spare.

With the aid of a cup of tea, I managed to regain my composure and set about preparing for the first reading to a combined Y1 group.  I used to get nervous when I performed in front of classes but over the last year I have managed to integrate lots of little bits into my "act", encouraging audience participation and building up the atmosphere using "Golden Arm" as a finale - which again didn't fail to scare the socks off them.  I was allocated a room for the day and with each year group, I included the other stories such as "Miss Carr's Pies" and "Commander-in-Chief of the World".  As the final Y6 group came in I cast my inhibitions and read the two Zombie specials, " There's Something Wrong with Grandad" and for the very first time "Zombelina".  Again it seems I misjudged children's appetite for more gruesome stories, as they loved it.  Even the teachers enjoyed the sad sorry tale of the Toymaster and his daughter.  It does help though when you have "Golden Arm" to finish on, and seeing as no one else wants to blow my trumpet, I may as well do it myself...

Golden Arm IS the most entertaining poem written for children ....ever.
It was a fantastic day, with a lot of books being sold and a very appreciative school making me feel very much at home.

I had an email from the Windows Project, who requested that I pay them a visit in Liverpool sometime soon and also if I could include them in my next school visit for "assessment".

The rest of the week was spent finalising the first of three pieces of music for the film - Rough and Ready, and again I didn't fail to deliver the goods.  The only thing that's missing at the moment is a steady flow of income, to pay for all this.....but I keep telling myself that it IS only a matter of time.

Thankfully everybody else seems to agree with me...

Find out for yourself by visiting  and purchasing your very own signed copy of The Hairy Plug Monster.