This is a tale that my Grandad told me,
As I sat as a child on his old bony knee
It isn’t a tale full of joy or of charm,
But a tale full of woe and a stolen gold arm
You should stop reading now if you easily spooked!
You should stand up and choose a more friendlier book.
You should stop reading now if you don’t like to JUMP
Because this is a tale that will make your heart thump.
Its starts long ago with poor Montague Law
Who was missing an arm, when he returned from the war
He lost it at battle, defending the king
Along with his bracelet, his wristwatch and ring.
The king was quite grateful, and pulled out his sword
Pointed at Monty – and made him a Lord
Lord Montague Law, the Brave and the bold
I’ll reward you again with an arm made of gold.
And so he returned to his wife and his farm,
With a chestful of medals and a solid gold arm
Where he kept it on show in a special glass box
Next to his trousers, his jumpers and socks.
The years soon passed by, and Lord Monty took ill
And despite all the potions and lotions and pills,
Old Montague knew that his time had arrived
So he called from his bed for his beautiful bride.
The angels are calling, I don’t have much time!
And so I am leaving you all that is mine...
You can have all that belongs to the farm
As long as you bury me with my gold arm.
Lord Montague’s wife said she’d do what she’s told,
And bury her husband along with his gold.
But deep down she knew what she could do instead
And instead of the arm, She would bury some bread….
to be cont'd
oh yes - there's a lot more to this tale!!!
do you have a question! make a comment!
Leighroy (author of the Hairy Plug Monster)
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Leighroy (author of the Hairy Plug Monster)
would love to here from you…
Posted by Kul Cuthbert
Love it, can't wait for the next installment!